Reqiurements : Mac II or above, System 7.1 or above, 16-color, 13" monitor or larger, MMU Recomended
Development Environment : Mac IIci 8MB RAM w/ KanjiTalk 7 (System 7.1-Japanese)
Dev. Language : THINK C 6.0.1 / 68000 asm
Version History :
v0.3.0 :
- Added "Bird View"
- Added function to play the best car.
v0.3.1 :
- Fixed bug that doesn't save records if F1GP is opened on a non-startup disk.
- Reduced requred memory size (3.6MB -> 2.4MB)
- Worse title screen...
What's F1GP? :
F1GP is a F1 race game that features fast scroll / rotate animation. It has been made for presentation at Kansai University in Japan. To make fast-drawing possible, it uses lots of tricks. Because of its tricky code, it requires lots of memory, but at the same time it draws animation at 30 frame-per-second rate on a Mac IIsi.
F1GP should work with most of the Mac, but since its fast-drawing routine writes graphics directly to the VRAM, it may not work in the future. With some video cards screen depth will not be restored.
Since most keyboards can't recognize more than 2 keys pressed at a time, F1GP uses modifier keys (i.e. Shift, Option, Command, Control).
What's in the menu :
File Menu :
VS Game : Starts 2-player game.
Replay : Replays the last game.
Game (Left Side) / (Right Side) : Lets you play with the car that recorded the best time before.
View Menu :
Top View : Moves viewer to right above your car.
Bird View : Moves viewer to a bit behind your car.
Key assignment :
Player One (Left Side) Player Two (Right Side)
Accelerate : Shift KeyPad 5
Turn Left : Option KeyPad 4
Turn Right : Command KeyPad 6
Brake : Control KeyPad 8
About Records :
Time is recorded in Minute-Second-Tick (60th of second) format (Tick is always even number (!!)).
Records are saved in a file called "F1GP Records" in Preferences folder.
To erase records, trash this file.
"Pictures are not so good" (or something worse)
"Taste of coloring is not so good" (or something worse)
"Track is like the one in an old Nintendo game" (or something worse)
"Doesn't look like a Mac program" (or something worse)
Things to be improved (that never get improved) :
- Add some alternative tracks
- Improve algorithm of animation
- Add sound effects
- Improve recording format
Throw-ins :
- The "You Win" picture is Mr. Koama -- my men.
- Somewhere in the track, Mr. Miyamoto's there. Find him if you have nothing to deal with.